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Right Track


Right Track, a Community Interest Company based off Goldthorn Hill, has been running in the city for more than four years and provides a lifeline for vulnerable members of the community.


The volunteer-run service offers training, practical work experience, arts, outdoor activities and social activities for people who may struggle progressing in traditional routes of employment and education.


Andrew Morris is a Director and Volunteer of Right Track and has a long track record of working with disadvantaged people in an education and vocational training capacity.

The relationship between Colton Hills School and Right Track began several years ago when members of Right Track were taken to Gelliwig for a residential experience and outdoor activities.

At this point Right Track members decided that they would like to offer to maintain the grounds of Gelliwig through Andrew Morris who was also a member of the Trustee for Gelliwig.

Since then Right Track have partnered with Colton Hills and the Birch Thompson Charity to help maintain the property and grounds.

The grounds of Gelliwig had been neglected for some time and needed cutting back to make safe and become manageable again.

Building renovation work and extensions to Gelliwig 2019/20

In support of the work to upgrade Gelliwig Right Track offered to provide a labour force to help prepare the building for contractors to begin work.


Right Track had been contracted to renovate Colton Hills School Bungalow and on the strength of the finished property the contracts manager for Gelliwig worked closely with us to carry out the work.

Work undertaken

  • Remove plaster and loose material from internal walls.

  • Remove all the electrical sockets and wiring.

  • Remove the radiators and pipe work.

  • Remove the fire alarm system.

  • Remove the alarm system and sensors.

  • The floors down stairs had to be protected and covered over to prevent damaged to the Minton tiles.

  • Removal of all the panelling, door frames, skirting’s and architrave.

The team worked very hard over the time they visited Gelliwig and are looking forward to the next phase.

The Birch Thompson Memorial Residential Centre
Penamser Road
LL49 9NY

Registered Charity No. 512044

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